Mrs. Fox's English

As I set here watching you take your EOC, I am forced to reflect on the past year. There are a few things I would change if I could, maybe the 7 weeks spent on To Kill A Mockingbird, or choosing Robert Forest to research. I would have stuck to my guns about Grammar Mondays and made sure we covered it more than once a week. I would have given more homework, let’s be honest, I would have given actual homework. The due dates for assignments would have been set and followed, regardless of the student’s situations. *Golly my head is getting heavy. Watching you take this test has been painful for me…


-Keep entrance and exit tickets as a way to assess comprehension

-Keep Lit groups

-More independent assignments

-20 minutes every day working with Write Source/Grammar Handbook

-Writing Graphic Organizer=School wide

-use the to post lesson plans and assignments

-Syllabus should have at least 4 papers due dates listed per English class* referring back to the Syllabus weekly.

 Right now list:

-Summer reading

-organizing files

-Sr. Movies

-update class Facebook page